Frequently asked questions

Am I fit enough to join your coaching?

Yes! I have clients of all ages, shapes, sizes and abilities who I work with. Your training plan is 100% customised to you and during our consultation call, I will gauge your current ability and what you need to work on and incorporate this into your plan.

Do I need access to a gym or equipment?

Yes ideally you should have access to a gym or equipment at home. We can tailor your training plan to include both home and gym workouts if needed. Depending on your goals, you can get results with a bodyweight program or running plan but I would always encourage weight training to build a strong and robust body.

I want to learn more but I'm not sure it's the right time?

There is never going to be the right time for anything in life but investing in your health should be a top priority. If you focus on building your strength, your fitness and physique now, you'll age better with less injuries and health related problems.

Why is there a minimum commitment term?

In my experience, 6 months is a decent length of time to really give your training a chance to earn you results. Our coaches invest a lot of time and effort into our 1:1 coaching clients and we want to ensure results so a minimum commitment term ensures commitment from both ends.

What if I don't know if I can afford a coach?

I'd recommend booking in a free consultation call so you can understand the monthly subscription fee. I won't tell you how to spend your money, but I do know that the value people get from coaching, reaching their goals both physically and mentally far outweighs the investment. Our goal is not to just give you the training and nutrition plans but help educate you with your nutrition and how to follow a structured program so that you can continue on your own after. We also realise that people go through different financial circumstances so If you’re struggling financially at any point, we can pause your online coaching service for a short period of time.

Should I wait until I'm fitter to join?

The whole point of hiring a coach is to help you get to your goals more quickly and easily than you could on your own. There is no minimum level of fitness required to start online coaching, and you will always get value from the service regardless of your current capabilities. Our clients are all becoming fitter, faster and stronger within weeks of starting their program and know it's the best thing they decided to do.

Will I get enough communication with my coach?

100%! We be available on the training portal every day to communicate with you. You will do check in's fortnightly so we can analyse workout data together and see where you can improve and we are always available for form analysis. The more you put into online coaching, the more you get from it. Our coaches will check in on you to see if you've stuck to your plans but we cannot convince you to go to the gym or constantly remind you to follow your nutrition plan. You are 100% accountable and responsible for your thoughts and actions… and that’s a good thing!

Will I have to follow a strict nutrition plan?

It depends on your goals, if you want to build muscle or lose weight then yes we do advise following the tailored calories, macronutrient goals and recipes as best as possible to achieve the results you desire. If you are focused more on performance then then you will also receive a tailored plan and we do advise you follow it closely to ensure you are fuelling your body appropriately to meet the demand of your training.

Will I still be able to eat the foods I enjoy?

Yes. We want you to enjoy your nutrition so we will listen to the foods you enjoy during our consultation call together and incorporate the foods you love into your diet in a balanced way.

What if I am unsure if I am doing the correct technique?

Moving well is essential if you want to see the full benefit from your training and avoid injury, and I know many people are concerned about doing an exercise wrong or feeling umcomfortable. Every exercise given to you will be prescribed with your current capabilities in mind and comes with a demonstration video for you to follow. Our approach is to meet every client at their current level of capability, which means you won’t be given any exercises that we are not 100% sure you can complete safely.
That said, sometimes it takes a couple of tries and practice to get something right, so make use of the messaging feature and send videos of your technique for the feedback!

How do I sign up?

Before you sign up to a client with us, we speak on the phone to have a chat about your goals and level of commitment before anything so we can be sure that we are 100% a good fit for each other. Just head to the dedicated link to fill out your details and book in your consultation call.